i hope that i am not the only one who has noticed that this year has been moving insanely fast. it literally seems like only yesterday we were ringing in the new year. i can't tell you the number of conversations i've had related to 2012 and the end of the world. i, for one, have always been a big believer in the concept of "the end of days"...but as time progresses through this year, i have begun to re-evaluate my idea of what this "end" really means.
my quest to understand may be related to the fact that i will be celebrating another birthday soon - which usually sparks reflection and contemplation. then i start to think about the people i know and all the different situations they are going through. 2012 definitely seems to bring a trend of upheaval in many people's lives. this has led me to start wondering if maybe "the end" is less like the catastrophic world demise we see in movies and more like personal catastrophes. ...things occurring in everyday life that turn your world upside down and ends life as you know it. unfortunately, for some, this may mean major loss and, for others, it could be minor. nevertheless it all equals learning hard life lessons and it may force you to view life in a new way.
change is constant and inevitable and we may not always like the change that happens in our lives. usually, the hardest changes are the ones we have no control over - unlike changing our diet or doing more exercise. despite the chaos that change may bring, it can be a beautiful thing and it all depends on how we look at it. caterpillars have to experience metamorphosis to become a butterfly. well, since caterpillars can't speak to us, we have no idea if this process is painful or not. regardless of the process though, they all become butterflies, complete with different colors and patterns depending on what they have been through. i am learning to alter the way i view change and instead see it more like transformation. the lessons and challenges that life brings will help my soul earn the stripes, colors and patterns it needs to get stronger, better so that i can become like a butterfly, flying free. though it may be hard now, i am comforted to know that i will be a butterfly.
change has been on my mind lately, as you can tell from my recent posts. this goes out to whoever is having a rough time due to the stresses and changes that life brings. from one transforming soul to another - i get it. xo Sesheta