maven (noun) -someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field; an expert or connoisseur; experienced.

fresh (adj) -original, vivid, cool, fashionable, sparkling, green; not previously known; new or different; not altered by processing.

Rebecca + Sesheta = MavenFresh

Saturday, February 4, 2012

PFM Confessional: sesheta speaks - true love

Heart of My Heart - photo courtesy of New Moon Visions

u may have noticed that i missed posting on Thursday, 2/2.  yes, it completely slipped my mind that it was my day to post.  sometimes i get too caught up actually living life that i forget to write about it, lol.  it wasn't just an average busy day though; Thursday i celebrated being married for 14 years.

believe it or not, i am actually very quiet about my personal life.  i've never been big on posting blow by blow details on Facebook or Twitter or anywhere for that matter.  ...but then there comes a time when you have to share with the world and this is definitely one of those times.  my hubby and i started out on our journey together at a time when all the factors around us told us that it was never gonna work.  despite what the world tried to tell us, we dove in feet first.  with the support of our families and the blessing from the Most High, fourteen years later, we are still standing.  i don't consider that an easy feat, especially when there are marriages around us, younger and older than ours, failing everyday.  i am proud of us - for having grown together instead of growing apart; for making it through life's tests thus far; for continuing to hold on and, as a result, our love is stronger because of it.  

though i have no idea what tomorrow holds, i can say i know what it is to truly be loved and to love someone else fully.  ...and there is nothing more satisfying.  i wish this kind of love for you too. 

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