maven (noun) -someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field; an expert or connoisseur; experienced.

fresh (adj) -original, vivid, cool, fashionable, sparkling, green; not previously known; new or different; not altered by processing.

Rebecca + Sesheta = MavenFresh

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

PFM Obsession: $esheta's Spring Fresh Five - #5 - Sandro Albatorock Sneaker

when getting ready to post, i planned to post a list of all the current items that i've been drooling over and get it over with in one shot.  then i thought it would be much more fun to do a countdown.  basically, i will have a series of posts that will make up my Fresh Five list.  

i'm starting my list at number 5 with these hot kicks i saw on Saturday.  while shopping with my friend at Bloomies, i saw these studded high-tops from Sandro chilling under the clothing rack.  once home and stalking them on the internet, i found out that they also come in a pretty taupe-y beige suede but my first love is the black versions.  i could totally see at least three outfits with these but i would have to defer to a comfy tee and some patterned skinnies.  ooo, i would soooo love to take these home with me, but with a price tag of $600, they will have to remain as a distant love. :(

 stay tuned for #4!!

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