maven (noun) -someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field; an expert or connoisseur; experienced.

fresh (adj) -original, vivid, cool, fashionable, sparkling, green; not previously known; new or different; not altered by processing.

Rebecca + Sesheta = MavenFresh

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Daily Outfit: Turq and Peaches

one day, i will get to Turks and Caicos for a fun-filled, relaxed vacation.  right now, my days are filled with the bills of maintaining a house, feeding a family and finding camp tuition.  ... so until that day when i get to the actual place, i am filling my days with the color combos and pattern mixing that will bring me joy.  like this unexpected combo above.  i love the way this electric blue blends with my neon peach shirt.  they are normally two colors that i wouldn't pair together but, when inspiration strikes, there is no telling what will result lol!!  i was pleasantly surprised!  adding my leopard print jeans was just the right bit of "edge" to keep this from being too preppy.  sooo, though i'll keep playing with brights this summer, i'll really be dreaming of being on vacay!!

(Feather Fancy Earrings and Jersey Mobius  - MavenFresh, Bright Blue Blazer - Forever21, Neon Peach Tee - J Crew, Leopard Print jeans - Vanilla Star Jeans, Clog booties - Swedish Hasbeens, Two-finger ring - Erica Anenberg) 

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