maven (noun) -someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field; an expert or connoisseur; experienced.

fresh (adj) -original, vivid, cool, fashionable, sparkling, green; not previously known; new or different; not altered by processing.

Rebecca + Sesheta = MavenFresh

Thursday, June 28, 2012

PFM Confessional: Cleansing

Photo: Here are 2 great Green Smoothie recipes from Kris Carr - the "Green Smoothie Queen":

Green Guru Smoothie (serves 2)
1 avocado
5-8 romaine leaves (could also use kale)
1 cucumber
1 cup coconut water (or water)
1 banana or 1-2 pears
Stevia or raw organic honey to taste

Place all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.

Apple Sprout Smoothie (serves 2)
1-2 green apples
1 small bunch romaine
1/2 TBSP coconut oil
1 cup broccoli or sweet pea sprouts
1 cup coconut water (or water)
Stevia or raw organic honey to taste

Place all the ingredients into a blender and blend until smooth.

(Image One via With Style & Grace, Image Two via, Image Three via A Beautiful Mess, Image Four via Lexie's Kitchen)

This is going to be a difficult post to write...but I've wanted to find a way share my personal journey with you. In 2003, I was diagnosed with a disease called Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy/Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (RSD/CRPS), a progressive and "incurable" neurological disease. As a result, I spent subsequent years with severe chronic burning pain and inflammation in my right foot from the tips of my toes almost up to my knee.

The majority of individuals with RSD are using equipment to assist with mobility, are on disability, and can no longer partake in life...yet people who I meet would never even know that I have this disease. I know I've beaten the odds. After many unsuccessful and invasive traditional methods of treatment, I couldn't just trust modern medicine. I found my own solutions by focusing on a more unconventional holistic approach. For the past 7 years I've been slowly reversing the condition with acupuncture (thanks Jonny!), yoga, physical therapy, osteopathic care, a loving support system (you know who you are xoxo), and changes in diet and lifestyle. And...drumroll please...I'm thankful to be completely medication-free for over a year.

If you are suffering from a chronic disease, or any disease for that matter, I'm encouraging you to be open to natural healing methods and changes in your diet. Recently I came to realize that there are two things that can make my RSD flare up: stress (like when we moved last year), and poor diet. Being born and raised a vegetarian, the cards were already stacked in my favor...or so I thought. But when spring or summer rolls around, my body seems to crave some sort of detox to get back it into balance and I try to listen. Auspiciously, my friend had mentioned the book Crazy Sexy Diet...I ordered it right away after reading rave reviews from people suffering from chronic pain. Author Kris Carr is inspirational; she writes about healing herself through an anti-inflammatory diet in a way that completely made sense to me and built upon what I already knew about healthy living. After devouring her book I couldn't wait to start things off with the 21-day basically eat a plant-based vegan diet (no meat, no sugar, no gluten, no alcohol, and no caffeine for 21 days) with an emphasis on green juices. Kris offers daily prayers, affirmations, and invaluable tips to encourage you through the cleansing process.

Even though I'm a vegetarian, I didn't fully understand what a healthy diet was. I don't eat meat and I do eat wheat I'm healthy, right? Crazy Sexy Diet reinforces the fact that the Standard American Diet (SAD) and its lack of nutritious, anti-inflammatory, whole, and plant-based foods can contribute to the onset and cause of many chronic and degenerative diseases. I already knew from experimenting with my diet that eating processed soy products can flare up my symptoms...time to take it a step further. The more I read, the more I realized diet was the key in treating my RSD. 

Now I'm on Day 17 of the Crazy Sexy Cleanse (plus I prepped by avoiding all dairy and gluten a week ahead) and I'm recognizing what my body needs in order to be healthy. After repeating today's affirmation- I believe in me and I'm proud of how far I've come- I was further encouraged to write this post. This entire experience is connecting the dots between my diet, my mindset, and my disease. I know firsthand that whole grains and organic fruits 'n veggies are magical! My skin is glowing and completely clear...yet another reason for me to finally give up dairy. I've been drinking green smoothies at least once a day, and loving it. They are officially my replacement for coffee...shocking, but true. I love eating this way and trying out new recipes with my hubby...we were even motivated to plant about ten different vegetables in our backyard. I've become addicted to dry brushing. Oh, I also bought a new all-natural deodorant. My excitement rubbed off on a friend; for the past two weeks she's been dedicated to cleansing along with me and as a bonus we've both lost a few pounds. Bottom line: I'm on the road to becoming pain-free, and having fun doing it. It's so true that many answers to our health can be found in what we are putting in our bodies. Healthy living is more than just yummy green juice and smoothies. It takes hydration, sleep, exercise, stress reduction and a good dose of love and mental health with a side of forgiveness and joy (thanks Kris Carr)! This sparkly girl is inspired to stick with these new changes in lifestyle. 

Being diagnosed with RSD almost 10 years ago was completely life-altering. The initial years prior to going into remission were traumatizing, but I fought through it. You can't give up or give in. I truly believe that I am a happier and healthier person now than before I got this disease. Obstacles are opportunities in path led me to my loving husband; I met and bonded with my MavenFresh girl, Sesheta; and ultimately I've come to realize my desire to learn more about nutrition and empower others to prevent and heal illness with a healthy lifestyle. Everyone wants to look good and feel all starts with being good to yourself on the inside.  

Thank you for reading this...nothing's truly official till you've written it down and damn- this was a cleansing experience in itself! Please write us with don't have to wait for a crappy wake-up call to start sparkling! Hey, it looks like future MavenFresh recipes could be both vegan and gluten-free. xoxo Becca


  1. Well done! Keep it up, I would never have known.

  2. Mmmm I want some green goodness juice!

  3. Thanks ladies...feels good to put it out there. Lots of green juice to be had by all! <3
