maven (noun) -someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field; an expert or connoisseur; experienced.

fresh (adj) -original, vivid, cool, fashionable, sparkling, green; not previously known; new or different; not altered by processing.

Rebecca + Sesheta = MavenFresh

Monday, May 7, 2012

PFMs on the Town: The Avengers Movie

We missed out on the free posters being given away at some IMAX theaters -boooooooooo

the movie i waited so patiently for finally came out (see here) and i must say, Marvel's The Avengers did not disappoint!! though i did hold out (i refused to purchase my tickets a month in advance), i wasn't so crazy as to think i could purchase tickets the day of!  so, by Thursday afternoon, we had our tickets to see a showing on Saturday afternoon.  boy, am i glad that i purchased in advance.  we were able to skip the long line outside by going straight to the kiosk (gotta love Fandango)!!  once we were finally settled in and the movie began, the action kept us rooted to our seats for the next 2 hours and 23 minutes (except for the unscheduled bathroom break needed by the 4 year-old - dang it - forgot to take him before the movie started lmao).  without spoiling the movie for the rest of you slow pokes, all i will say is it is a must see!  i really enjoyed all of the characters in one movie.  each superhero had their shining moments as well as got their butts whooped at some point or another lol.  i just saw this movie and i am already discussing what will be the plan for the next Avengers movie.  ...will they include Black Panther, Ant Man and Wasp??  sigh, the problem is the next one isn't slated to hit theaters for at least another two years. :(  the only thing that makes it better is that Iron Man 3 is the next release!  the comic obsession continues :)