maven (noun) -someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field; an expert or connoisseur; experienced.

fresh (adj) -original, vivid, cool, fashionable, sparkling, green; not previously known; new or different; not altered by processing.

Rebecca + Sesheta = MavenFresh

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Gripe Session: Where is Fashion going and who's gonna teach the little girls

I happened to watch a lot of videos tonite as I worked into the wee hours of the morning. It struck me that the female singers that are quote, unquote "running it" are all rocking less than nothing and gyrating themselves around like they are hot and bothered. What does this have to do with sex? Well, everything, thanks to how society has forced women to literally sell themselves to do well. So, if sex sells, aren't we directly telling our little girls that that is the only way they can be on TV? Thank goodness for a Michelle Obama but who are the little ones really idolizing - more along the lines of a Rhianna and a Beyonce... This is just another reminder why we have to monitor how much media we expose these young minds to and to constantly remind them of the true price of fame; they should expect more from life and not sell themselves so cheaply... - sesheta

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